Sophie Daste is an artist, doctor of Aesthetics, Sciences and Technologies of the Arts, and has been teaching the artistic and performative aspects of gaming for over a decade. Her thesis focuses on artistic experimentation generated by new media from otaku and geek cultures. She is an expert in the impact of pop culture on the world of contemporary art, and her own art practice reflects this phenomenon, having been exhibited in France and internationally.
She often directed and participated as an artist in the Eniarof workshops. After co-directing the EnsAdLAb GoD|Art (Game oriented Design|Art) research group at the decorative Arts school of Paris (Ensad) for five years, she became the academic director of visual design at ENJMIN (National School of Game and Interactive Media), led by the CNAM (Centre Nationale des Arts et Métiers). Alongside this, she taught the history of interactive art and gaming at the University of Saint-Quentin en Yvelines before joining the ATI (Arts and Image Technologies) program and its INReV (Digital Images and Virtual Reality) research team in the fall of 2020.