6 & 7 July 2007 / Pekarna / Maribor – Slovenia
List of guest artists : Quentin Destieu (Dardex), Caroline Bizalion, Djeff Regottaz, Loïc Horellou, Solange, Émilie, Marjorie, Antonin Fourneau, Stefan Piat, Manuel Braun, Léa Dingreville Raphael Isdant, Anna Chocola, Thomas Michalak, Pierre Andrieux, Monsieur Moo and Boštjan Čadež.
By using the profits from the precedent Eniarof bar, a delegation of former students from the Art school of Aix-en-Provence traveled to Maribor, Slovenia to inaugurate Pekarna, a venue created by the Ottoprod collective, also composed of former students. The collective immersed themselves in the community of this cultural space for a week to develop new attractions and present the best of the previous edition, which included:

- The third edition of the Royal Catch Club by Solange Grenna and Marjorie Brunnet, featuring mud wrestling in a wire mesh garage.
- Ghost by Boštjan Čadež, a cannon equipped with a pico projector that revealed entities on the wall.

- RR by Antonin Fourneau, a stage where you had to put on wigs and headbang to play increasingly loud hard rock.

- MadNes by Manuel Braun, Stefan Piat and Antonin Fourneau, a suspended arcade game that allowed players to move the console in their hands while playing Devious.

- Hyperolympic by Djeff Regottaz and Loic Horelliou, an old-school balance board used to play Track & Field by swaying on an unstable balance system.

- À Battre by Raphaël Isdant, a drum kit connected to a Playstation that allowed players to play Tekken by drumming in a two-player version in a ring.

- Cuicuibox by Jankenpopp, Lord Kiitchi (Pierre Andrieux) and TM (Thomas Michalak), a 2x2x2m concert box that delivered an intense show that often ended in the destruction of the concert hall.

- Charcuterie Brillante by Anna Chocola and Thomas Michalak, a costumed version of the hot dog eating championship.

- Dismorpho by Léa Dingreville and Caroline Bizalion, a giant cube installation to experiment strange sensations.
- Skate and blow by Pierre Andrieux, an attraction where you have to blow in a tube to make some tricks.
- Galton Video by Raphael Isdant, where a ball and a planche de Galton control a video player.