12th and 13th March 2017 / ICI Montreuil / Montreuil – France
List of guest artists : Douglas Edric Stanley, Jankenpopp, Sophie Daste, Pierre Andrieux, Thomas Michalak, Loïc Horellou, Jérémie Cortial A.K.A Chienpo, Chloé Desmoineaux, One Life Remains, Raphael Isdant, Florent Deloison and Antonin Fourneau.
Students research group GoD|Art : Nathalie Guimbretière, Daniel Plata, Guofan Xiong, Alexandre Vaugoux and Louis Anglionin.
On the occasion of the release of the book “Eniarof” in May 2017 by Editions 1980, the maker space ICI Montreuil transformed its gallery into a one-night Eniarof experience and an open afternoon for the public. The core group of Eniarof and longtime collaborators were present, including Zev Gourarier, who at the time was the scientific director of the Mucem and a renowned specialist in fairground arts. He was present because he had been interviewed in the book by Annick Rivoire.
The public was able to pick up their book obtained during a KissKissBankBank crowdfunding campaign, while also requesting autographs and trying out the on-site attractions, including:

- Lipstick strike by Chloé Desmoineaux, a playable version of her online performance that had caused a stir on the internet at that time.

- Cuicuibox by Pierre Andrieux, Jankenpopp, and Thomas Michalak, a cosy concert for plenty of people in a cardboard box of 2 meters by 2 meters by 2 meters. The box is normally destroyed at the end due to the crowd of people inside.

- À battre by Raphael Isdant, which offers you to play Tekken using a drum kit instead of the original controller.

- Slam of the arcade Age by One Life Remains, one of the flagship attractions of Eniarof, created in 2013 and present in the book.

- RR by Antonin Fourneau, the famous headbanging simulator in which you must put on a wig and shake your head to play increasingly loud hard rock.
- Flippaper by Jérémie Cortial and Roman Milletitch, inviting you to draw your own pinball level with markers and paper.

- Retro Tetris by Thomas Molles and Kent Robinson, This classic puzzle game has stood the test of time and now with the overhead projector, it’s bringing a new level of fun and competition to the sports world. Who knew a simple tool from the past could bring such excitement to modern-day gaming?

- ゆらゆら幽霊 – YuraYura Yuurei by Nathalie Guimbretière and Louis Anglionin, a game that challenges memory and senses. Set in a Japanese-inspired ambiance, the player must purify different Japanese spirits by tracing a path to collect evil spirits (or yuurei – 幽霊) scattered across red and blue levels in the form of folkloric monsters. The player must memorize the invisible part of the level and collect various scattered bonuses without touching the colored walls.

- Super Tetris Adventure by Florent Deloison, imagine you had to play Tetris in typing mode instead of a joypad : to turn you have to type : T+U+R+N. Don’t make any error !!

- Okonomiyaki Chienpo by Jérémie Cortial, the famous experimental okonomiyaki restaurant to feed the visitors.

- Shooting in the rain by Manuel Braun and Antonin Fourneau, the wondrous opportunity to partake in the pleasure of duck hunting, but with a most unconventional tool – an umbrella!
More information on Makery magazine by Nicolas Barrial (in French).