The goal of the game is to have the player (the victim) guess as many words as possible before the end of the time.
Instructions: The two teams face each other and each team has a chalkboard and a “chalk holder” in front of them. The timer and the deck of cards are in the middle of the table.
Game play rules:
- Players divide in two teams of three.
- In each team, a victim is chosen: they take the chalk holder, their wrists are tied with ropes, and a blindfold is put on them.
- Simultaneously, the timer is started and a card to be guessed is drawn.
- The masters manipulate the victim’s hands with the ropes and try to make them guess the word by writing it.
- When the time is up, the victim is changed. The round is over when all cards have been guessed.
- In the second round, the same cards are guessed, but this time by drawing them. The team that guesses the maximum of words wins.